On this episode of The HamRadio Show we again are graced with Hammy hanging with the H.A.M. and together we fight about if the WWE’s showcase event of the year “Wrestlemania” sucked or was a Success
Then something we can both agree on the fact that “The Roast of Justin Bieber” on Comedy Central sucked donkey cock..Not throwing shade on the comedians that were on it but the pussification of america and how people can’t take jokes anymore just shut up and laugh ya Mooks!
And last but certainly not least our “Spank Bank Girl of the Week” Kendra Sunderland the “libary Girl” herself graces our airwaves to tell us what it is like to be probably the most famous “CAM-Girl” ever and she’s only 19 years old find out how she became a over night sensation by just taking her top off at her school libary…All that plus show much more!!!!!