On this episode of The HamRadio Show we start the show finding out that Billy Nicknames is taking over for Producer Danny today and we’re all walking on eggshells because before the show Billy flipped out because something he built for the show is not working resulting in him almost smashing his computer so join us as we talk him down off the ledge and pull off a outfreakingstanding show!
And our First guest from the 80’s hit TV series “Different Strokes” & star of the new movie “An Open Secret” Todd Bridges is hanging with The H.A.M. talking about his rise from the dark side of Hollywood and the open secret of child actors being sexually abused to being the only cast member of “Different Strokes” that is still standing
Finally we get a hold of the people behind the “Orgy” for disabled people buuuuuut after talking with them something smells rotten in Toronto Canada and it’s not just Nick our Canadian Unified Network Tech sock baby under his bed our host Uncle Eddie thinks that none of cripples are gonna get any so he might have to take matters into his own hands