On this episode of The HamRadio Show we are going to give you a Gold Medal Performance
First up speaking of Gold Medals we Have the EX-Lover of Michael Phelps Taylor Chandler who says her life was destroyed by the the Olympic Gold Medalist…you have to hear her story
Then Uncle Eddie travels to SIRIUSXM to talk to Radio host Erik Nagel as well as the cast and crew of his show on OPIE RADIO “It’s Erik Nagel” join us as we talk about the highs and Lows of the Radio Industry plus find out what it took for Erock to sit in the Big chair and Host his own Show
And Finally we are bringing the Heat with The Beyond Sexy #SBGOTW SPANK BANK GIRL of the WEEK Brooklyn Chase not only does she give a amazing “MASTURBATE THEATHER” but we find out that her “PORN AGE” has her playing many different roles from Stepmom to School Girl!