On this episode of The HamRadio Show Uncle Eddie becomes the Belle of the Ball as he gets invited to “Disneyland for your Dick!” The world famous Moonlight BunnyRanch in Reno N.V. (Bunnyranch.com)
Dennis Hof is hanging with the H.A.M. to personally invite Shockjock City’s favorite fat Ass Uncle Eddie to Hof’s Absofreakinglutley Amazing star studded Birthday Bash and it wouldn’t be a Dennis Hof hangout without two women having H.L.A. (Hot Lesbian Action) LIVE on the Air!…Oh You Know you wanna hear this
And switching gears we solve the Gun problem in America by breaking down the stupidy of the rules & Regulations put in place to supposedly stop Gun deaths…cause as we all know criminals always follow the rules Riiiight???
September 1, 2015
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If this is about joe. yes we know he is an idiot and you can file a grievance with the “Complaints about Joe” department