Been awhile since I last updated on Project: DemandTheHam!
The Alexa skill is almost ready to submit to Amazon, but before I can do that, I wanted for the Show crew and fans to test out things before it goes live on Alexa devices!
The Google assistant version is still coming along, both versions will have nearly the same navigation by voice, however it’s not simple as copying the code from Alexa and paste it to google assistant. It’s a bit of a different process to do get the same thing done so it’s taking time to get it to work exactly the same on both!
The features in skill so far allow you to:
- Search though the entire show catalog (all the episodes you can find on this site, it’s available!)
- Hear the Alexis Ford segment (soon watch!)
- Ask Alexa/assistant about the show, staff, pretty much whatever you find out on the site. Find out how much they know their H.A.M!
- Call the show
- Listen to the live broadcast
And more features to come!